Java performance on Apple Silicon (M1) vs Intel architecture

This page shows some initial performance comparisons between Java running on Apple's M1 chip versus Intel x64 architecture. As well as some "raw" performance comparisons, we show some differences in threading behaviour.

Systems compared

In the tests below, we compare Intel and M1 builds of Azul JDK 11 (build, the latest available at the time of performing the tests). The specific hardware used for the comparisons is as follows:

 IntelApple Silicon
MachoneiMac, Late 2015MacBook Pro (2020)
CPUIntel i7, 4GHzApple M1
Cores4 Core hyperthreading8 Core:
4 x 3.2GHz "high-performance"
4 x 2GHz "high-efficiency"1

1. Clock speeds and other CPU usage details are those reported by the powermetrics utility during the benchmark test runs described here.

Hyperthreading and non-uniform cores

An interesting feature of both the i7 and the M1 is that they present themselves as 8-core processors (i.e. Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() reports 8 "processors"). Yet in reality, on both of these CPUs, only 4 of the cores are "first class citizens". In the Intel hyperthreading system, there are 4 physical cores mapped to 8 logical cores; multiple threads are scheduled on to the same hardware core and a given core can take instructions from either thread depending on the availability of the required execution units. (Thus, two execution units of a given core could be simultaneously executing operations for instructions from different threads.) This scheme generally requires operating system support to be most effective (for example, to ensure that two threads are not scheduled on the same physical core if another core is available).

The Apple M1 chip has 8 physical cores, but they are split into two groups:

It is possible that the Icestorm cluster also makes other architectural simplifications to achieve power efficiency, such as having a shorter instruction pipeline. This is the case with other Apple chips, e.g. the Monsoon and Mistral pipelines of the ARMv8-A chip, for example, are reported to have pipeline depths of 16 vs 12 instructions respectively.

Benchmark: multiple worker threads performing CPU-intensive activity

In this test, a number of threads run concurrently for a fixed period of time (20 seconds in this test), each repeatedly conducting independent CPU-intensive calculations. The thread activity start and end times are synchronised using a CountDownLatch, so that we try to guarantee as far as possible that the threads genuinely have the opportunity to execute the task within the measured time span.

The specific operation chosen was to repeatedly calculate the value of a random BigDecimal raised to a random power. Counts were then taken of the number of these operations that each thread managed to perform within the time window of the test.


The results of this test are shown in the figure below. The top two lines of the graph compare the combined throughput of all threads; the bottom two lines compare mean throughput per thread.

As might be expected from the description above, the overall throughput on the Intel CPU rises linearly with the number of threads until we hit the number of hardware cores (4) and the increase in throughput per thread matches almost exactly the single-core throughput. With 5-8 threads running simultaneously, we know that in reality these threads will be distributed among only 4 cores and we would not expect the same increas in throughput per thread. In this particular test, the gain from hyperthreading is measureable but minimal compared to the increase per thread when there are no more threads than "real" cores (compare the very shallow gradient in the blue line between threads 5-8 compared to threads 1-4). As expected, once we get beyond 8 threads, there is no benefit in adding further threads.

The multithreading performance of the M1 follows a similar general pattern, but with two key observations:

M1 Thread to core allocation

OF course, on a modern multitasking operating system, our user programs are competing for CPU with other programs and O/S processes. Even on a supposedly "quiet" system, we cannot realistically expect our program to have complete occupancy of the CPU. Looking in a bit more detail at how the M1 CPU allocates the running threads across the 4 high-performance and 4 high-efficiency cores can help to explain the observed behaviour.

The figure above shows samples of the reportred CPU usage per core while our test is running on 3 and 6 threads. The general pattern observed is that:

(N.B. The fact that we max out n high-performance cores with n <= 4 threads does not necessarily mean there is perfect affinity between threads and cores, of course, but it seems we can at least model our performance expectations on the basis that this is roughly the case.)

Given the clock frequency ratio of 3.2/2 betwen the M1's high-performance and high-efficiency cores, and the observed throughput per thread when running on the high-performance cores, we can estimate a theoretical throughput with all cores maximised by our threads. The graph below shows that theoretical throughput versus the observed throughput.

Further M1/i7 performance comparisons

In a test of RSA encryption speed on the M1 vs Intel i7, the M1 performs in the order of 25-30% faster than the i7 in terms of raw performance, but shows a similar pattern of scalability.

Programs that may show greater speed improvements on the M1 include:

(Further information on the above is currently being compiled and will be published to this web site soon.)

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Editorial page content written by Neil Coffey. Copyright © Javamex UK 2021. All rights reserved.