Spanish -ar verbs:
encuentro I meet |
encontramos we meet |
encuentras you meet |
encontráis you (all) meet |
encuentra he/she meets |
encuentran they meet |
To practise, we'll use the following common verbs:
probar to test | colgar to hang | encontrar to meet |
mostrar to show | recordar to remind | volar to fly |
contar to count | soñar to dream |
Remember: all of these verbs will change o to ue, except in the we... (-amos) and the Spanish familir you all... (-áis) forms.
We left out the common verb costar (to cost), because this is most commonly used in third person forms cuesta (it costs...) and cuestan (they cost...).
On the next page, we'll mention briefly the verb jugar, which unusually has the change u > ue.
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