Welcome to this Spanish dictionary
Several thousand Spanish words are included
and the dictionary is being continually updated with new words and translations.
How to use this dictionary
Spanish phrasebook (useful if you don't find the word you're looking for)
How do I type accents?
You generally don't need to type accents on the words you look up. For example,
if you type camion or podrian,
the dictionary will recognise these as
camión and podrían.
Can I look up plurals, conjugated verb forms etc?
In general, yes. Around 25,000 conjugated verb forms are currently recognised, with
direct suggested translations given for the most common. Plurals and feminine forms of
many adjectives are also recognised.
If a word isn't in, how do I ask for it to be added?
We continually monitor the types of words that people are looking up, and use this
information to decide on what new entries to add. So there is no need to inform us of
specific words to add: the process will generally happen "automatically" over time!