When to use the future tense in SpanishIn the preceding future tense exercises, we've been translating the future tense as I'll come, you'll wait etc. And in general, the Spanish future tense does carry roughly the same meaning as English will... or 'll.... However, on this page, we'll delve in in a little more detail and see some more complicated cases. In particular:
We'll divide this section into three categories: (a) cases where the Spanish future tense does correspond to English will/'ll; (b) cases where the Spanish future tense is used, but where it doesn't necessarily correspond to English will/'ll; (c) cases where English uses will/'ll but where Spanish doesn't necessarily use the future tense (or where it's not possible). Cases where Spanish future tense corresponds to will/'llThe future tense is generally used in the following cases. Note that although the two languages' usage conincide, these uses aren't necessarily making a statement about the future (remember: "future tense" is just a label, and actually it's often a misleading one at that):
Cases where Spanish future tense doesn't (necessarily) correspond to will/'llIn Spanish, the future tense has a number of additional functions that aren't shared by will/'ll. We'll look at some typical English translations of these cases:
Other translations for will/'llIn some other cases, the future tense isn't the only possible translation of will/'ll (or indeed, isn't a possible translation at all):