Exercise: practise the present continuous of radical-changing verbsThere is a slight complication in continuous forms which essentially affects -ir verbs:
If an -ir verb has a vowel change in the present tense,
it will generally have a vowel change in the gerund.
Recall that there are generally two patterns for -ir verbs in the present tense: an e vowel can change to i (pedir > pido), or to ie (mentir > miento).
To practise these gerunds with vowel changes, fill in the grid below. Remember: all of the verbs you'll use will be -ir verbs (click the 'vocabulary' button for a list), including the irregular verbs decir and venir. Next...If you've gone through all the exercises so far, you've hopefully come to grips pretty well with the present continuous. On the next page is a "final revision" exercise, in which all of the gerunds from the previous few pages are combined. Alternatively, you may wish to skip straight ahead to the imperfect continuous. 1. Another less usual gerund with a similar pattern is that of poder > pudiendo.