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Practise Spanish object pronouns: me, te and nos

On the previous page, we gave a summary of Spanish object pronouns. On this page, you can now practise some of the pronouns. The pronouns you'll practise here are me, te and nos, which mean me, you and us respectively. For each sentence, you need to:

  • decide which verb to use;
  • decide on the correct pronounme, te or nos, remembering that the pronoun goes before the verb in Spanish;
  • decide on the correct form of the present tense of that verb or, if appropriate, present continuous:
    • if the English has an -ing form, then you can choose the present continuous;
    • the present tense is always correct, and is the only option if the English has a simple verb form (like knows, as opposed to is waiting);

For the purpose of this exercise, you'll use the following verbs:

to know
to speak to
to wait for
to listen to
to believe
to understand
to help
to need
to ask

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For the purpose of this exercise, you will always be translated by the form of the verb, or with the pronoun te. That means that, you here will essentially always refer to a single person that the speaker is on first-name terms with.


I know you
te conozco

he knows me
me conoce

you need us
nos necesitas

he's waiting for us
nos espera or nos está esperando

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Remember that some of these verbs in English require a preposition, e.g. to wait for. But in Spanish, the verb is a single word (or a single form of estar plus the form ending in -ando/-iendo if you use the continuous).

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